

Computers with internet access and a variety of software applications are available in both the adult section and the children section. Patrons that wish to use any of our computers must sign a computer usage agreement at the desk, or have one sign by a parent or guardian if underage. 


Check in at the circulation desk with your library card to use a computer. Computers are on a first come, first serve basis. Time limits may be active depending on the demand.


Visitor cards are available from the circulation desk and provide access to our computers.



Purpose: The purpose of public access to the Internet is to further support the community’s informational, learning, cultural, and recreational needs.
Selection: The library will determine which links to resources available on the World Wide Web to provide on its Internet home page by applying the same basic standards that are used in selection of other materials. Access is in no way limited to these sites, and the Kalona Public Library can assume no responsibility for accuracy of any information accessed through the Internet, nor can we control or monitor information accessed.
1.    In accordance with other KPL policies, use of the Internet is open to all patrons who possess a valid Kalona Public Library card and are in good standing with the library with the following restrictions:
a.    Children under the age of 9 may not use library computers unless supervised by a parent or guardian.
b.    Children between the ages of 9 and 14 must have a “Parental Permission Form” signed by a parent or guardian on file in order to use the library's internet terminals unsupervised.
c.    Use of computers without internet access is not restricted for children over the age of 9 as long as they can provide a valid library card and are in good standing.
2. Patrons must leave their valid Kalona Public Library card at the circulation desk while using the library’s computers.
3. Material is available on the Internet that parents may feel is inappropriate for their children. Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the information accessed by children.
4. The Kalona Public Library cannot control content, quality, or accuracy of any information accessed through the Internet. The library urges patrons to evaluate carefully information obtained via the Internet.
5. Individual sessions may be limited to 30 minutes and will be enforced when others are waiting to use a computer. Reservations may be made in advance.
6. Computer use is limited to a maximum of 60 minutes per day.
Staff Assistance: The library staff, on a day-to-day basis, will help with computers and Internet use as able and reasonable. However, staff members may not be familiar enough with a function to provide any help. Staff members are not available for extensive training except during scheduled training sessions.

Unacceptable Use: The Kalona Public Library reserves the right to restrict or terminate the Internet privileges of any individual not practicing responsible use of the Internet.  Unacceptable use includes but is not limited to:
1. Use of the Internet for purposes other than informational, educational, recreational or for viewing, downloading or sending sexually graphic images.
2. Any illegal or unethical use of the Internet, including but not limited to violation of copyright laws, activities such as harassment, distribution of unsolicited information, propagation of computer viruses, or attempting to make unauthorized entry into other computers;
3. Attempting to modify or gain access to restricted files, passwords, or data;
4. Using library computers for chat rooms or instant messaging, except under special circumstances, which must be cleared with library staff (for instance, an online classroom discussion or a “special event” chat with an author or celebrity);
5. Using library computers for online/computer gaming (for example, single or multiplayer strategy or arcade games, such as those offered at Yahoo! Games,, MSN Games by, or casino games, such as those available at;
6. Downloading to the library computer hard drive, loading personal software or library-owned circulating CD-ROM software, or saving documents to the hard drive. Downloading may be done only to a disk.
7. Damaging or destroying equipment, software, or data belonging to the library. This includes adding, altering, or deleting files or configurations on library workstation hard drives or other library equipment, violating network integrity, using software from outside the library on library-owned equipment, or using a virus-infected disk on a library computer;
8. Disrespecting the privacy of other users.

1.    First-time Internet users age 15 and older must read and sign the Internet User Agreement (see form), which will be kept on file. First-time users between the ages of 9 and 14 must have a parent or guardian sign a “Parental Permission Form for Internet Use by Minors” (see form), obtained at the circulation desk and kept on file. A parent or guardian must accompany at all times a patron under the age of 9 who wishes to use the computer. On each subsequent use, patrons must sign in at the desk and leave their library card. Sign-in records will be held for 30 days and then destroyed.
2.    Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis to users, provided there are no advance reservations for that time slot. Children with permission waivers on file will be given priority for computers in the children’s area between the hours of 3:30 and 6:00 PM. No more than two people may sit at one computer.
3.    Users may reserve one time period per day. Reservations will be held for 5 minutes after the appointed time. Users may continue working on the Internet for an additional 30 minutes if no one is waiting to use a computer.

In addition to Internet access, the library also provides office software access at seven public workstations. All the computers are loaded with Microsoft Office or Microsoft Works applications and can be used for 30 minutes or 60 minutes if no one else is waiting. At the discretion of the librarian in charge, a patron can be placed on the “non-internet” computer to allow time to work on a written assignment. A black and white laser printer is available to make copies for the fee of .25/page.
Patron’s may not save files of any type onto the library’s computers.

Kalona Public Library provides free wireless access to anyone with a laptop computer and a WI-FI network card. The laptops will need to be configured to obtain an IP address automatically. Because each person’s laptop is going to be different, patrons will be responsible for knowing how to configure their own equipment.

The wireless internet access we offer is unfiltered. By choosing to use this free service, patrons agree to abide by the library’s Internet Use Policy. This policy states the limitations of internet access, responsibilities for using that access, and provides examples of acceptable and unacceptable use.

The Kalona library’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from your notebook/laptop computer may be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software.

Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be made that you will be able to make a wireless connection.

The Kalona Public Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for notebook/laptop computer configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s wireless access.