Meeting Rooms


The purpose of the library's meeting and study room is to provide space for library and community programs and events, to fulfill the library's role as a community center where the public can attend informational, educational and cultural events and to champion the principal of intellectual freedom by providing a forum for the free exchange of ideas. Meeting rooms are available Monday through Saturday during scheduled open hours when not in library use. Contact the library to reserve a room. There is no fee for the use of the study room.


Reserve the Study Room


Fees for use of the Velma Skola program room are:

  • City of Kalona: no charge

  • Educational groups or educational programs for the public: no charge if room left in original condition. Will be charged for labor and materials if room is damaged or extraordinary room clean up is required.

  • Non-profit groups/non-fee based programs/political committees: no charge

  • For profit groups/fee-based programs: $25 per hour or partial hour  Audio/visual equipment: $5 per program  Kitchen use: $25 per program; $50.00 damage deposit (will be returned upon a satisfactory inspection)


If, by prior arrangement, at least one week in advance and, dependent upon availability of staff, a meeting or program is scheduled to begin before the library opens or extend after the evening closing time, an additional charge of $25 per hour will be made. Arrangements will need to be made concerning the security of the library. The program room is not available Friday after 5:00 pm, Saturday after 3:00pm, or Sunday. The program room is designed for flexible set up. Organizations anticipating certain room set up needs may change the room themselves and return it to the prior set up. Reservation of equipment must be made at least one (1) week prior to room use. Reservation of the kitchen, used in conjunction with the program room, will need to be made at least one (1) week prior to room use. The library reserves the right to revoke permission to use the program or study room if the scheduled room is needed for library purposes. Every attempt will be made to find an acceptable alternate time. The library is a smoke free facility. When the program room is being reserved, the responsible party must leave their name, address, phone number and payment with the librarian in charge.


Inquire about the Program Room